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复活节 Easter Day

作者:高中作文网 来源:网络 时间:2018-10-23 字体: 手机浏览
The Bible plays an important role in the world's culture, which influences people's life all the time, such as the Hollywood movies and people's faith. Jesus Christ is believed to be one of the greatest persons. The stories about his coming to the world and resurgence are always praised by the public. People named a day called Easter Day to in honor of his coming back after his death. The task of Jesus Christ is to save the public from all kind of pains and troubles, who is the spokesman of god, so when people see him, they feel hope. Today, a lot of people believe in Jesus. They keep the faith and behave themselves well. On the Easter Day, there will be a huge parade and people cheer for this big festival.


    上一篇:我的姐姐 My Elder Sister

    下一篇:让我感动的一件事 One Thing Touched Me
