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  • 国际足联再获中国企业赞助


    Fifa has secured crucial financial backing from Chinese smartphone maker Vivo in a... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 名校女学霸研发出手语翻译臂环


    After National Disabled Persons Day on May 21, a video released by CCTV featuring two graduate students from Beihang University and Tsinghua University has gone viral online. 在5月21日“全国助残日”之后,中央电视台发布的一段有关两位来自北... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国式共享经济


    The sharing economy is taking off in China, where you can rent anything from basketballs to apartments, umbrellas to songs. 共享经济正在中国蔚然成风,你可以租借任何东西,从篮球到公寓,从雨伞到歌曲。 But it has taken a mercantile twist in t... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 默克尔宣告西方联盟死亡?


    Donald Trump’s first visit to Europe was awkward. Its aftermath has been explosive. Speaking at an election rally in Munich, shortly after the US president had returned to Washington, Angela Merkel came close to announcing the death of th... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 麦凯恩抨击中国在亚太地区的行为


    Senator John McCain has accused China of acting like “bully” in the Asia-Pacific region by using its economic strength to coerce neighbours and making territorial claims in the South China Sea that are not backed up by international law.... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • “互联网女皇”报告凸显美中网络巨头主导地位


    A new phase of global competition has broken out between a handful of massively wealthy US and Chinese internet companies — with consumers and businesses the beneficiaries of their services. 少数几家财力雄厚的美国和中国互联网公司之间爆发... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 亚洲将迎来核武对峙


    Nine national leaders have the power to unleash nuclear devastation but, if it were not for the actions of a traitorous Taiwanese colonel in 1988, that number would be at least 10. 9个国家的领导人有能力启动核毁灭,但是,如果不是因为1988年... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 太牛! 合肥一高中109人获547份美国大学通知书


    109 so-called Super Scholars at a high school in east Chinas Anhui Province have reportedly received a total of 547 admission letters from universities in the United States. 据报道,中国东部安徽省一高中的“学霸班”,109名学生收到了美国大学... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 报告显示 计算机科学专业收入排名第一


    The rapid development of mobile internet and artificial intelligence has made computer science the top income generator and among the most fruitful college degrees for employment in China, a recent report said. 近期发布的一份报告称,移动互... [ 阅读全文 ]
