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引发争议 女人最好的嫁妆是贞操?

作者:高中作文网 来源:整理 时间:2017-05-28 字体: 手机浏览

A university denied a lecture it hosted contained "inappropriate content" after posts online claimed the speaker told students at another school that women should not have premarital sex.


Ding Xuan, a lecturer from the China Women's Development Foundation, gave a talk Sunday at Jiujiang University, East China's Jiangxi Province on the topic "How to be a model woman in the new era," news portal guancha.cn reported last Thursday.


Ding revealed "how women can bring luck to their husbands' families" and how "women's virtues are a family's pillars," the report added.


A student who attended a lecture Ding gave at another school posted pictures on Sina Weibo that sparked outcry.


The pictures claim to show Ding's slideshow which reads "it is very vulgar if women wear revealing clothes and this causes men's sexual insults" and "being a virgin is the best gift for a husband."


Jiujiang University denies that Ding's lecture at their school contained such material。.


"The slides posted online are not from the lecture held in our school which contained no inappropriate content," a university staff member said.


Ding has not made any comment as of press time.
