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  • 肯尼亚总统敦促让中非贸易恢复平衡


    President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya has called on China to rebalance an increasingly skewed trade relationship between Africa and the rising superpower, arguing that Beijing must do more to tackle a widening trade deficit. 肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁肯... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 微软抨击美国政府“囤积”网络武器


    Microsoft has hit out at the US government’s “stockpiling” of cyber weapons for facilitating attacks such as the WannaCry ransomware that has run rampant in recent days. 微软(Microsoft)向美国政府发出了抨击,指责其“囤积”网络武器、为“... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 如何点燃风中的蜡烛


    People dont often look back on the early 1900s for advice, but what if we could actually learn something from the Lost Generation? 通常人们不会为了求取生活妙方而去回顾20世纪初的年代,不过如果那个“垮掉的一代”真的能对我们有所助益呢? The N... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 阿米尔汗主演电影《摔跤吧爸爸》在中国市场创造历史


    Earning 76.4 million yuan ($11.06 million) during its first weekend in the Chinese mainland, biographical sports drama Dangal is now the second highest-earning Indian film in China. 在中国内地上映一周就获得了高达7640万元(约1106万美元)的... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 球探报告及麦迪还是哈登更强分析


    Herky Jerky. Gets to the front of the rim in one bounce. 利用突然变向运一次球即可冲击篮筐。 Puts bigs on skates with violent spin moves or splits. 利用急速转身或切入晃晕大个子。 Unique side to side agility. Sets up Eurostep. 特有的(控制身... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 布拉德·皮特首谈离婚 承认酗酒自作自受


    Brad Pitt is not going to engage in a nasty custody battle with Angelina Jolie. 布拉德·皮特不会和安吉莉娜·朱莉上演一场撕破脸的监护权大战。 In his first extensive interview since the power couples highly-publicized divorce, Pitt told GQ S... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国为一带一路高峰论坛发布纪念币


    The Peoples Bank of China issues a set of coins Monday commemorating the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. 中国人民银行于本周一发行了一套硬币以纪念“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛。 Consisting of one gold coin and two silver,... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 75所高校晒2017年预算 清华大学超233亿元领跑


    Some 75 Chinese universities have unveiled their 2017 annual budget, which topped 350 billion RMB. 日前,中国75所高校公布了2017学年的预算,该总额超过了3500亿人民币。 Tsinghua University received the largest budget of 23.3-billion-RMB, maki... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 辉煌难再现 苹果公司2季度在华营收下滑


    Apple reported a drop in revenue in China for its fiscal second quarter ended April 1, the fifth consecutive quarter of decline in the region amid ever-growing competition from local rivals. 苹果报告称,在截至4月1日的第二财季中,公司在华营... [ 阅读全文 ]
