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  • 两高发布 侵犯公民个人信息罪最高可判7年


    Chinas top court and procuratorate last Tuesday jointly issued a judicial interpretation, stipulating that those who illegally obtain, sell or provide 500 pieces of data related to personal credit or property information could face a priso... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 有才! 老外将自己的简历高仿成亚马逊的界面!


    We dont actually know if Philippe Dubost is any good at his job. But boy, can he throw together a resume. 我们真的不知道菲利普·迪博是否胜任自己的工作,但是这个家伙在做简历上的确有一手。 Dubost, a web product manager currently based in Par... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 你的简历最好不要涵盖这些信息


    Once youve been in the workforce for a while, it can be easy to neglect your résumé. After all, youve been working, accumulating experience and juggling your job and life. If youre not actively looking for work or got your last position... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 凯尔特人距离总冠军还有8场胜利


    No matter what team you are a fan of... What a series. 无论你是哪一队的粉丝……这轮系列赛都无与伦比。 Only way Washington wins here is if they kidnap Isaiah Thomas. 华盛顿奇才在此(波士顿)取得胜利的唯一方式是“绑架”以赛亚-托马斯。 Two in... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 因受全面二孩政策影响 生育保险去年收不抵支


    Chinas maternity insurance recorded a small deficit due to the comprehensive implementation of the two-child policy, but the overall balance is enough to pay for another 15.3 months, said the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 开创先河 澳大利亚一女议员在开会时哺乳


    Australian Senator Larissa Waters has become the first politician to breastfeed in the nations parliament. 澳大利亚参议员拉丽莎·沃特斯成为了首位在国会议会上母乳喂养的政客。 Ms Waters, from the left-wing Greens party, fed two-month-old dau... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 滴滴出行双语功能上线 方便跨境人群移动出行


    Chinese on-demand mobility giant Didi Chuxing announced last Monday the launch of bilingual functions on its app in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to serve foreigners as part of the companys globalization strategy. 国内定制出行巨头滴滴出... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 70多岁老人卡进站台 乘客推动地铁救人


    Social media in China has been buzzing following the release of a video showing passengers coming together, along with staff, to help leverage a subway car off a womans leg in Guangzhou. 近日,广州地铁内的乘客与站内工作人员协力将地铁推开,... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 脸书推出人工智能翻译


    When a language you don’t understand appears in your Facebook News Feed, you can touch a button and quickly translate it. Facebook offers a way of communicating not just with the millions of people who speak your language, but with millio... [ 阅读全文 ]
