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  • 比伯海莉大婚在即?双方都见牧师了


    They surprised the world with their engagement. 比伯和海莉用订婚震惊了世界。 And it seems Justin Bieber, 24, is wasting no time in planning his future with fiancée Hailey Baldwin, 21. 24岁的比伯和21岁的未婚妻海莉不浪费一分一秒,马不停蹄地... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 雪铁龙发明防晕车无镜片眼镜


    French car maker Citroen recently unveiled a pair of glassless, liquid-filled eye-glasses that can reportedly treat the symptoms of motion sickness.法国汽车制造商雪铁龙近日推出了一款没有镜片、镜框装有液体的眼镜,据称能治疗晕车症状。Called... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 英国外交大臣把中国老婆说成了日本人


    Newly appointed foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt has admitted to a “terrible mistake” after describing his Chinese wife as Japanese during his first diplomatic mission to Beijing.英国新上任的外交部大臣杰里米·亨特第一次来北京进行外交任务,... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 下一个MVP黑马会是谁?


    时间的指针刚指向八月,2018-19赛季MVP争夺战却已揭开序幕。博彩网站已为下一赛季的MVP热门候选人开出盘口。刚和湖人签约的詹姆斯一马当先,浓眉哥、字母哥、大胡子哈登及凯文杜兰特紧随其后。然而这些名字未免使人觉得缺乏新鲜感,假如MVP争夺战里有第二梯... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 路易小王子洗礼全家福公布,乔治笑得太萌了


    A heartwarming photograph of the Duchess of Cambridge cradling Prince Louis after his christening was released by Kensington Palace today. 今天肯辛顿宫公布了一张路易斯王子洗礼后凯特王妃轻轻地抱着他的暖心照片。 Louis, 12 weeks old today, sle... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 寡姐弃演变性人一角,网友纷纷叫好


    Ms Johansson was lined up to star in the film as Dante Tex Gill, a real life crime kingpin who was born a woman but identified as male. 约翰逊将在影片中饰演但丁特克斯吉尔一角。现实生活中,她是一位犯罪头目,虽然是女人,却被认定为是男人。 The... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 老外又拍了部中国的纪录片,主题竟是诺基亚手机


    What went wrong for Nokia? Nokia Mobile was for 14 years the worlds largest manufacturer of mobile phones, a pioneer of the technology that has transformed the world. Now, if anything, it is a mere badge on other peoples operating systems a... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 李娜,一个退役体育巨星的影响力范本


    WIMBLEDON, England Four years after playing the last match of her career at Wimbledon, Li Na has returned to the All England Club. 英国温布尔登在温布尔登打完职业生涯最后一场比赛四年后,李娜回到了全英俱乐部。 Her life has had additions; she... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 21岁的她才是世界最年轻的亿万富翁


    As you may have heard, the latest Forbes cover crowns Kylie Jenner, who is worth at least $900 million, as one of the richest self-made women in the United States. At 21, shes set to be the youngest-ever self-made billionaire, a cover line... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 英格兰没进决赛,但是主帅的马甲火了


    England soccer manager Gareth Southgate is launching a revival. 英格兰队主帅盖雷斯?索斯盖特带动了一波复兴潮。 Not only has he rejuvenated an England side that had previously not reached a World Cup semi-final in 28 years, but hes also broug... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 中国欲主导汽车业未来,德国制造商愿意帮忙


    A series of deals announced over the last week is designed to help German car manufacturers take a bigger slice of the worlds largest automobile market and China develop its vision for the future of cars. 上周公布的一系列交易旨在帮助德国汽... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 特斯拉的“小目标”,在中国年产50万辆电动车


    Still scrambling to sort out production problems at its electric car factory in California, Tesla is taking on another big challenge: building a vast new plant and development center in China. 特斯拉(Tesla)还在忙于解决它在加利福尼亚州电动汽... [ 阅读全文 ]
