
    • 成长的烦恼 The Annoyance Of Growing Up


      As a small child, I always want to grow up soon, because when I grow up, I can know what kind of job I should do. Sometimes I am so confused about my future. If I don't study well, what will happen to my life. All of these problems annoy m... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 幸福 Happiness


      The definition of happiness varies from person to person. Most people believe that earning a lot of money and living the comfortable life are the symbol of great happiness. It is true that making great achievement is our target, so we work... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 教师节征文范本把爱献给孩子


      我从事幼教工作已经整整13年了,和许许多多从事幼教事业的老师一样,每天从家到幼儿园重复着简单的线路。从帮助小班孩子学会自理到培养大班孩子的思维能力,从发展幼儿语言到开发幼儿智力,从教孩子们唱歌跳舞到认数写数,构成了我每天的工作。也许是幼儿教师本身... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 国际劳动节 International Labor Day


      Every year, the first day of May is named International Labor Day and people will have three days’ off. The meaning of of this day is to in honor of the great strike happened in Chicago in 1886. Now, more important meaning has been attache... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 工作的抉择 The Job Options


      For college students, when the graduate season comes, it is time for them to think about their future and figure out what kind of job they want to work on. Some students choose to work in the company while others decide to start a business... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 一次实践活动 A Practical Activity


      Last week, my teacher told us that we would have a practical activity. At first, we were happy to hear it, all of us thought that must be very funny. But when we heard that we needed to assist the cleaners with their work, we felt lost. It... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 关于工作的英语作文3篇


      没有完成的工作 The Unfinished Job Today, my mother has something to do, so she leaves the house early in the morning. Before she goes, I have promised to clean the house, so that she can relieve the burden. But I soon forget my job and jus... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 忘我工作的老爸


      忘我工作的老爸 王思旭 我的老爸是一名警察,因为工作的原因,老爸从来都不陪我,正是因为这样,老妈没少和老爸吵架。 记得有一次,那是一个寒风刺骨的深夜,奶奶让我们一家到奶奶家吃骨头,我们爽快的答应了。经过一路的颠簸,我们来到了奶奶家,刚坐到椅子... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 你心目中理想的工作是什么?(What is your ideal job)


      it is most ideal job to gain but no pain.i think most of people have a dream like this.but it is only just a day dream.just like an old saying,no pain,no gain.then,i hope it should be my ideal job to work for my interest and ideality. i li... [ 阅读全文 ]
