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作者:高中作文网 来源:网络 时间:2018-06-12 字体: 手机浏览

This is the hilarious moment a Chinese tourist fails to leap from a bungee platform - because she doesn't understand the English word 'jump'. 这真是令人捧腹的一刻:一名中国游客在蹦极台上迟迟不跳,因为她听不懂英语里的“跳”。 In the video, the woman is seen smiling and waving at the camera as she makes her way onto the platform at the Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge in New Zealand. 在视频中,我们看到一位女士朝着镜头微笑着挥着手,走向新西兰卡瓦劳峡谷悬索桥的蹦极台。 But it all takes an odd turn when the instructors count down for her to take the plunge - and she remains standing with her arms out on the ledge. 但事情的走势开始变得古怪,当指导员为她作完蹦极倒数时,她却仍旧张开双臂、稳稳地站在平台边。 The two experts patiently try again, attempting to explain to the tourist that she needs to move forward from the platform. 'You cant wait here any longer.' 两名专家又耐心地尝试了一次,试着向这名游客解释,她需要从平台往前迈:“你不能在这里等着。”

The apparent daredevil and a crowd of onlookers then start chanting 'jiāyóu' - a Chinese phrase of encouragement meaning 'come on' and 'don't give up.' 不怕死的冒失鬼和一众旁观者开始有节奏地喊着“jiayou” 来鼓励她—中文意思是“加油”或“别放弃”。 But still she stays firmly in her spot, yelling the word alongside her baffled instructors. 然而她还是待在原地,在面露难色的指导员的旁边喊着“加油”。 They then try to count down for her to jump again, yelling 'Go! Get out here!' but the woman just begins screaming. 指导员又试着倒数,大喊着“走!往前!”但是这位女士这时开始尖叫了。 The bungee jumper and her instructor are clearly bemused by the language barrier - briefly laughing with each other on the platform. 这名蹦极者和她的指导员,显然被他们之间的语言障碍逗乐了—他们在平台上给了对方一个短暂的笑。 He said: 'You're still here! What are you doing? Just do it yeah?' 他说到:“你还在这儿呢!你要做什么?跳了吧,好吗?” After she has been stood for two minutes, another instructor takes charge, motioning that she has to jump from the ledge with his arms. 在她站了两分钟后,另一名指导员上场了。他用手势告诉她,她该从台子上跳下去了。 It's only then that the woman takes the plunge, joyfully launching herself into the air. 就在这时,这名女士纵身一跃,欢快地扎进了空中。