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作者:高中作文网 来源:网络 时间:2018-05-20 字体: 手机浏览

Theresa May today laughed off mockery over her awkward 'Maybot' dancing with schoolchildren during a visit to South Africa. 梅姨在出访非洲期间同南非一所学校的孩子们一同跳舞,然而由于动作太过僵硬而遭到了网友的恶搞,她成了英国网民口中的“梅机器人”(MAYBOT),今日,梅姨表示她对这些冷嘲热讽一笑置之的态度。 The Prime Minister's toe-curling moves as she watched a display of traditional singing and dancing sparked comparisons with footballer Peter Crouch's famous 'robot'. 网友们称梅姨略带尴尬的舞步与球星Peter Crouch经典的“机器人”动作如出一辙。 But responding to the slew of ridicule tonight, Mrs May admitted: 'I suspect my dancing this morning might not make it on to Strictly.' 但在回应当晚的一系列嘲笑时,梅姨承认:“我觉得我今天早上的舞蹈可能不太能称得上是在跳舞。” The premier's toe-curling bid to copy the children's movements had TV viewers watching through their fingers as she jerked and shuffled her way across the playground. 梅姨蹩脚地模仿孩子们的动作让人不忍直视,但电视机前的观众们眼里,她看起来只是在广场上扭曲地缓缓移动。 A video of her dance moves provoked hilarity online, with jokers comparing her to the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. 这段舞蹈视频在网上引起了网友们的讨论热潮,推特上有人就将其比作“绿野仙踪铁皮人舞”。 Others were more forgiving, sympathising with Mrs May for being made to dance on TV, something which they said would terrify most British people. 但也有人对梅姨不得不在镜头前跳舞表示了同情,称跳舞这一举动会让不少英国人望而生畏。

Andrew Jones joked: 'Theresa May has stolen my 'I should have gone to bed at least an hour ago' wedding dance.' Andrew Jones在推特上说:“梅姨剽窃了我的婚礼舞蹈,这是梅姨版的‘我本该提前一小时睡觉’。” Sky News reporter Alan McGuinness added: 'Theresa May is me at weddings after being dragged to the dance floor and forced to dance after an entire evening of avoiding doing so.' 天空新闻记者Alan McGuinness 补充道:“特蕾莎·梅就是婚礼上的我,整晚都在躲,但最后还是被拖到舞池里不得不跳舞。” The Prime Minister was visiting the I.D. Mkize Secondary School, which takes part in a British Council funded teacher exchange, to promote ties between Britain and South Africa. 据悉,特蕾莎·梅当时正在访问姆基兹中学,为了促进英国和南非之间的友好关系,英国文化协会在该学校举办了的教师交流。