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澳大利亚新总理刚上任 自由党民调降至10年来最低

作者:高中作文网 来源:转载 时间:2018-06-22 字体: 手机浏览

Australians' support for the Coalition government has dropped to its lowest in a decade after it dumped Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister and installed Scott Morrison last Friday following a week of chaos, an opinion poll showed on Monday. 本周一公布的一项民意调查显示,在经历了前任总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔下台、斯科特·莫里森担任新总理的混乱的一周后,澳大利亚人民对联合政府的支持率已降至10年来的最低水平。 The latest Newspoll, published by The Australian newspaper, also showed opposition Labor leader Bill Shorten, who had long trailed Turnbull, is now the preferred prime minister. 《澳大利亚人报》刊登的最新新闻民调也显示,长期落后于特恩布尔的反对党工党领袖比尔·肖特现在是首选首相。 Morrison replaced Turnbull in a party-room vote last Friday, taking over as leader of the Liberal party after a week of political turmoil that led to the emergence of Australia's sixth prime minister in less than a decade. 上周五,莫里森在党内投票中取代特恩布尔,成为自由党领袖。此前一周的政治动荡导致澳大利亚在不到10年的时间里出现了第六位总理。

The Liberal-National Coalition's primary vote dropped four points to 33 percent, the Newspoll showed, while the two-party-preferred split between Labor and the Coalition blew out from 51-49 in favor of Labor two weeks ago to 56-44. 新闻民调显示,自由党-国家党联盟的初选票数下降了4个百分点,至33%,而工党和联合政府的两党首选分裂票从两周前的51票对49票,升至56票对44票。 Morrison must call a federal election by May 2019, but could face by-elections in two seats before that as Turnbull has said he plans to leave parliament soon and former foreign minister Julie Bishop, who stepped down on the weekend, could also quit. 莫里森必须在2019年5月前召集一次联邦大选,不过他可能要面临两个席位的递补选举,因为前总理特特恩布尔表示他计划很快就离开议会,而上周末卸任的前外交部长朱莉·毕晓普也可能离开。