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作者:高中作文网 来源:转载 时间:2018-06-28 字体: 手机浏览

Prince Harry and bride Meghan Markle have reportedly enjoyed a secret getaway with George and Amal Clooney at A-list couple's exclusive Italian retreat on Lake Como. 据报道,哈里王子和新婚妻子梅根与乔治·克鲁尼夫妇在意大利科莫湖享受了一段秘密假期。 Local police helped to mount a huge operation to ensure the Royal newlyweds remained secure during their visit to the 18th century Villa Oleandra, according to media reports in Italy. 意大利有关媒体报道说,当地警方特意增加了警力来确保这对新婚夫妇在别墅逗留期间的人身安全,这座别墅建于18世纪。 Clooney and human rights barrister wife Amal, who were among stars at the couple's May wedding in Windsor, were at the villa with 10-month-old twins Alexander and Ella. 克鲁尼和妻子人权律师阿迈勒这对明星夫妇五月曾受邀出席哈里夫妇的婚礼。在别墅里的,还有他们的双胞胎宝宝10个月大的亚历山大和埃拉。 According to Italian magazine Chi, Meghan helped look after the couple's twins while Harry and George spent their time playing basketball with other friends. 据意大利某杂志报道,梅根曾在克鲁尼、哈里和其他朋友打篮球时,帮助照看克鲁尼的双胞胎。 The royal couple are said to have arrived last Thursday evening, on a private flight, and left on Sunday at 6pm from Malpensa airport. They are understood to have spent all of their time in the grounds of the villa. 据悉,哈里王子夫妇上周四乘私人飞机到达别墅,他们将于本周日晚六点从马尔彭萨机场离开。期间他们会一直在奥兰亚德拉别墅逗留。 On Saturday evening, Clooney laid on a gala dinner for his celebrity guests. About 15 friends attended and the party is said to have gone on until the early hours. 克鲁尼在周六为他的明星朋友举办了晚宴。有15名个人参加,第二天早些时候,派队才结束。 The Duke and Duchess and the Clooneys are understood to be close friends and Meghan and Amal are both said to use celebrity stylist Miguel Perez. 众所周知,哈里夫妇和克鲁尼是密友,梅根和阿迈勒的形象设计师也是同一人。 The Clooneys were among the 200 guests who partied the night away at Frogmore House to celebrate the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's wedding earlier this year. 今年早些时候,哈里夫妇在赛萨克斯的弗洛格莫庄园举行了婚礼,婚礼仅邀请了200名来客,克鲁尼夫妇就在其中。 Hollywood heartthrob George is said to have danced with Meghan at the reception. 据说当时,好莱坞大众情人克鲁尼还在宴会上与梅根共舞一曲。 Speculation continues that Meghan is planning on flying to California to meet Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, who is believed to be on the verge of moving to England to be near her actress daughter. 外界猜测梅根下一步计划去拜访自己的母亲多利亚·拉格兰,据说她将移居英格兰以便离女儿更近。 Meghan, 37, is said to have no plans to see her father, Thomas Markle, who lives just 150-miles away from Doria. 而现年37岁的梅根称自己并无看望其父的打算,尽管他的住处和母亲多利亚的相距仅150公里。 Clooney, 57, fell in love with Italy and purchased the villa, located in the village of Laglio, in 2002. 57岁的克鲁尼在意大利与妻子相恋,并于2002年买下了这幢位于拉里奥的别墅。

At the time, the actor paid £10million for Villa Oleandra which came with 25 rooms, an outdoor theater, a swimming pool and a garage to house all of his motorcycles. 当时,克鲁尼花了一千万英镑买下这栋奥兰亚德拉别墅,别墅中有25个房间,一个露天剧院,一个游泳池和一个车库用来存放他收藏的摩托车。 Lake Como is known for its expensive celebrity homes and one of Clooney's neighbours is celebrity fashion designer Donatella Versace. 科莫湖周围的别墅价格昂贵,名人大多都住在这。其中,克鲁尼的“邻居”之一便是范思哲。 The presence of Clooney led to the local council approving an ad hoc regulation to protect Hollywood star's privacy. 克鲁尼的出现,使得当地委员会专门出台了保护好莱坞明星隐私的专门规定。 Clooney is known for sharing his multiple luxury homes around the world with friends during special occasions. Last summer, David Beckham stayed in his villa with his family. 克鲁尼向来喜欢将自己在世界各处的豪华住宅借给友人用作特殊场合。去年夏天,贝克汉姆就曾和家人在克鲁尼的别墅中度假。