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拉登母亲首次谈论儿子 称其是在大学时被洗脑

作者:高中作文网 来源:其他 时间:2018-06-14 字体: 手机浏览

The mother of al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden has spoken publicly about her son for the first time. 近日,基地组织头目奥萨马·本·拉登的母亲艾丽娅·加尼姆首次公开谈论了她的儿子。 Alia Ghanem told British newspaper the Guardian in an interview that her son had been a shy and "good child" growing up, but was "brainwashed" at university. 加尼姆在接受英国报刊《卫报》采访时表示,儿子在成长过程中一直是个羞涩的“好孩子”,但在大学里被人“洗脑”了。 The family say they last saw Bin Laden in 1999, two years before the 9/11 attacks, when he was in Afghanistan. 拉登的家人称,他们最后一次见到他是在1999年,即9·11袭击事件发生的两年前,当时他在阿富汗。 By that time he was considered a major global terror suspect. 那时候拉登已被认为是全球重大恐怖嫌疑人。

Bin Laden's half-brother Sheikh Ahmad told the interviewer that Ms Ghanem was in "denial about Osama" and his role in the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York. 本·拉登的同父异母的兄弟谢赫·艾哈迈德告诉采访者称,加内姆女士“否认了奥萨马及其在袭击纽约世界贸易中心中的角色”。 "She loved him so much and refuses to blame him. Instead, she blames those around him. She only knows the good boy side, the side we all saw. She never got to know the jihadist side," Ahmad said. 艾哈迈德说:“她非常爱他,拒绝责怪他。相反,她责怪他周围的人。她只知道他好男孩的一面,我们都知道的这一方面。她从来不知晓圣战的那一面。” "We were extremely upset. I did not want any of this to happen. Why would he throw it all away like that?" Ghanem told the newspaper, when asked how she felt after learning her son had become a jihadist militant. 当被问及得知儿子成为圣战激进分子的感受时,加尼姆向《卫报》表示:“我们非常难过,我根本不希望发生这种事,为什么他会那样地抛弃一切?” She also said the Muslim Brotherhood organization, which her son became involved with while studying, was like a "cult". 她还表示,其子在读书期间所参与的“穆斯林兄弟会”就像“邪教”一样。