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作者:高中作文网 来源:网络 时间:2017-04-17 字体: 手机浏览

Russia demanded clarity on Washington’s policy on Syria yesterday as President Vladimir Putin held his first substantial talks with the Trump administration following the US missile strikes against the regime of Bashar al-Assad last week.

俄罗斯要求美国澄清其对叙利亚政策。自上周美国导弹袭击巴沙尔?阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)政权以来,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔?普京(Vladimir Putin)与特朗普政府举行了首次实质性会谈。

Addressing Rex Tillerson on his inaugural visit to Moscow as US secretary of state, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said: “It is very important for us to understand your position, the position of the US, the real intentions of your administration.”

俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖?拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)对以美国国务卿身份首次访问莫斯科的雷克斯?蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)表示:“了解你方的立场,美国的立场,贵国行政当局的真正意图,对我方是非常重要的。”

Donald Trump’s election as US president was widely welcomed in government circles in Moscow last year. But the Kremlin has watched with caution as the White House battled domestic suspicions over its growing friendship with Russia and Mr Trump struggled in setting out a clear course on foreign policy.

唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)去年当选美国总统,曾在莫斯科的政府圈子受到广泛欢迎。但随着白宫与俄罗斯不断增进的友谊引起国内疑心,随着特朗普费尽心思制定明确的外交政策路线,近来克里姆林宫谨慎观察着事态。

The US Tomahawk missile strike against a Syrian air base in response to a deadly chemical attack blamed on the Assad regime drastically heightened tensions with Russia, which backs Mr Assad. The military action triggered fears in the Kremlin of a full-scale US entry into the Syrian war.


Yesterday, Mr Lavrov said Moscow considered it “fundamentally important not to allow” further unilateral US strikes on Syria. Conflicting statements from US officials on Washington’s priorities and intentions in the conflict have deepened Moscow’s apprehension.


Mr Putin said relations with the US had worsened under Mr Trump.


“One could say that the level of trust on the working level, especially on the military level, has not improved but rather deteriorated,” he said in a television interview yesterday before receiving Mr Tillerson at the Kremlin.


The meeting with the Russian president had appeared to be in some doubt as rhetoric escalated between the two countries after the cruise missile strike.


“I will not conceal that we have a lot of questions, given the very ambiguous, sometimes contradictory ideas that were expressed in Washington across the range of bilateral and multilateral affairs,” Mr Lavrov said.


Both the Kremlin and the White House raised the stakes immediately ahead of Mr Tillerson’s visit.


Mr Putin called last week’s poison gas attack a “provocation” by Syrian rebels aimed at duping the US into strikes against the Syrian regime, while the White House accused Russia of helping Mr Assad cover up the chemical attack.


Hours before his visit, Mr Tillerson said that Russia could be part of a different future for Syria “and play an important role. Or Russia can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests in the longer term.”


Mr Lavrov in turn warned that the Kremlin would not accept ultimatums, and said that Washington and Moscow needed to talk honestly through all aspects of their relations instead.


He hailed Mr Tillerson’s visit as “a much-needed opportunity for presidents Putin and Trump to agree frankly and honestly to clarify the prospects for co-operation on all these issues, primarily on the formation of a broad anti-terrorist front”.


The Russian foreign ministry said it was prepared for any course of events but preferred to work towards constructive co-operation. not confrontation.


It said Moscow also expected Mr Tillerson to explain Washington’s stance on Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ukraine, security in the Euro-Atlantic area, and arms control. It emphasised that Russia was worried the US could launch unilateral acts of force against North Korea.
