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  • 科比喊话 再黑詹姆斯就不配当科蜜!


    詹姆斯加盟湖人之后,洛杉矶出现了大量关于他的壁画。但是,不少科比的粉丝却故意将其毁坏。近日,科比在接受采访时说,之前那些破坏詹姆斯壁画的人最终都会支持詹姆斯的。 I hear that, Bryant said when asked on The Rich Eisen Show whether he is aware... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 英国伯明翰大学接受中国高考成绩,厉害了


    The University of Birmingham is the first elite UK Russell Group University to announce that it will accept the Gaokao exam for high-flying Chinese students wishing to join its undergraduate courses in 2019.英国罗素大学集团的精英学校——伯... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 马克龙欲重启国民兵役制度 要求所有16岁法国公民强制服役


    The new national service will cover all 16-year-olds, girls as well as boys, and will be divided into two distinct phases. 新国民服役计划将分为两个不同阶段,覆盖所有年满16岁的法国公民。 The first phase is a mandatory one-month placement wit... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 奥巴马夫妇也是碧昂斯的头号粉丝?震惊到我了


    When Beyonce and Jay Z are performing, all eyes are glue to the stage. Unless, that is, Barack Obama is rocking out behind you.当碧昂斯和Jay Z表演的时候,所有的观众都盯着舞台上的他们。除非巴拉克·奥巴马正在你身后摇摆。Fans were delighted t... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 王嘉尔拿下2018青少年选择奖


    August 12, Got7 member-Hong Kong rapper Jackson Wang won the Choice Next Big Thing award at the Teen Choice Awards 2018.八月十二日, Got7组合成员——香港说唱歌手王嘉尔夺得2018年青少年选择奖的“明日大咖”奖项。Got7, the boy-group consisting... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 卡特 我还打算再飞一会儿


    说文斯卡特的第21个赛季是他的最后一个为时尚早。目前卡特已与重建中的老鹰队签订了一份老将底薪合同,在此之前卡特待过七支球队,亚特兰大很可能是卡特篮球生涯的最后一站了。 It appears to be the right mix for Carter, the leagues oldest active playe... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 北京上半年房地产贷款增幅创5年新低


    Beijing reported the slowest growth in outstanding mortgage loans in five years as government curbs helped to cool down the property market.随着政府各项限令使房市降温,据报道,北京的个人住房贷款增速创下五年来的新低。The citys outstanding m... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 传谷歌有意重返中国 测试审查版搜索引擎


    Google is testing a mobile version of its search engine that would adhere to Chinas strict controls over content, a person familiar with the matter said, indicating renewed interest in a market that the Alphabet Inc. GOOGL -0.24% unit aban... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我国计划将更多抗癌药纳入医保


    China will make more cancer drugs affordable, as a new round of negotiations between the countrys state medical insurance administration and pharmaceutical companies to add such drugs to the medical insurance list is scheduled to finish by... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 库里亲笔 生而平等


    Theres this miracle happening at home right now. And before its over, I feel like I need to put it on paper — just to make sure I have some documented proof.现在家里正在发生着一个神奇的事情。在这个奇迹结束之前,我觉得我必要把它用笔写下来... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我国将建立完善儿童白血病诊疗管理网络


    China will set up a comprehensive management network for treating children with leukemia, which will include all children with leukemia in the family doctor service network, the National Health Commission announced at a press conference la... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 星巴克专为老人开设门店,太贴心了


    Starbucks has opened a cafe in Mexico City that will hire exclusively elderly staff.星巴克在墨西哥城开了一家专门雇用老年人的咖啡厅。The coffee chain has been working with the National Institute for the Elderly since 2011 in order to launch... [ 阅读全文 ]
