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  • 钱能买到什么 What Money Can Buy


    Money matters and no one can deny it. We work very hard to earn money, so that we can live the better life. With money, we can buy a big house and eat the food we want, even to travel around the world. It seems that money can buy everything... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 理想的朋友 An Ideal Friend


    I like to make friends a lot, because I like to share opinions with them. But I find it is hard to find an ideal friend. Most people just like to hang out with you. If you want to share profound information, they will stay quiet. I am so ea... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 父母的错 Parents' Fault


    Jack is in middle school now. As his parents are busy with their business, so Jack often makes mistakes. Jack's teacher has talked to his parents many times, but they thought it was the school's duty to educate their children. This is a ver... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我的新偶像 My New Idol


    Recently, I saw a movie about the wonder woman. She was one of the superheroes in the cartoon. Many people know about superman, Captain America and Batman, but Wonder Woman is the only one female heroes in the series cartoon. She is my new... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 手机时代 The Age of Cellphone


    Many years ago, when the first computer came into being, many people predicted the age of computer has come. Now only two decades passed, here comes the new age of cellphone. Let's look at how people depend on the phone. They use cellphone... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 大自然的美


    大自然的美 The Beauty of Nature 关于保护地球关于保护环境 大自然的美 The Beauty of Nature Many years ago, I lived in my hometown, which was a small countryside, but I loved everything there. I remembered that the sky was very blue and the ri... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 幸运作文 Lucky


    幸运的我 The Lucky Me 关于乐于助人关于失物招领 幸运的我 The Lucky Me Today, when I go home after school, I find that I lose my key. I feel so worried and try to remember all the places I have been to. WWw.GaozhoNgzuowen.cn As I walk into t... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 成为一名志愿者 Being a Volunteer


    Last week, our school held an activity to the nursing house to visit the old people. I was so excited to be a volunteer, because it was my first time to join such big activity. When we got there, the old people were so happy to see us. They... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 网络俚语该取消吗 Should Internet Slang Be Cancelled


    Nowadays, with the popularity of Internet, people like to talk or make comments on the hot news, then they create many popular languages and they spread so fast that a lot of people will talk in slangs. Some people advise to cancel the use... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我们要跟随潮流吗 Should We Follow the Fashion


    Young people like to follow the fashion. They know who is the hottest stars and what is the hit songs. Following the trend is part of their daily life, they can keep up with the time and get to know the first-hand information. Some people c... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 我最喜爱的动物 My Favorite Animal


    When I was very small, I had watched a lot of cartoons, and Mickey Mouse was always my favorite character. When I went to the zoo and watched panda, I found Mickey Mouse and giant panda had something in common. Both of them had the lovely e... [ 阅读全文 ]

  • 学习汉语 Learn Chinese


    English is the international language. Many parents have realized the importance of mastering English and they spend a lot of time and money to help their children learn it well. But with the development of Chinese economy, a lot of foreign... [ 阅读全文 ]
