
    • 当我面对荣誉时 When I Face Honor


      The old people always say pride will make a person lag behind. They make a conclusion of it must have their reason and I believe it, because I have such experience. Last semester, I did well in the final exam. My teacher spoke highly of me... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 学自行车 Learning to Ride Bikes


      Riding bike is the basic skill for most people, and they learn it when they are very small. I find few people can't ride bike and I feel pity for them, because it is hard for them to learn as the adults. I still remember the first time when... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 重拾信心的感觉真好作文800字


      那年,我跌到了谷底,但让我因此遇见你,你的顽强,你的坚持让我重拾信心,攀至顶峰。 题记 天气愈加寒冷,我的内心也愈加冰冷。心中的阴霾挥之不去,使我更加的迷茫。 接连几次的小考失败,让我跌至谷底。站在继续努力与放弃的边界,我陷入了困境。 清晨,... [ 阅读全文 ]

