
    • 四年级我发现了什么作文350字


      四年级我发现了什么作文 在一个星期天的上午,由于昨天晚上下过一场雨,我在社区公园玩的时候,发现人行小道上爬着十几只蜗牛。我兴奋极了,因为我以前很少见到蜗牛,更没有一次见过这么多蜗牛在路上拼命的爬。 我就忙蹲在地上仔细的观察它们。只见这些小家... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我发现了什么 What I Have Found


      Since I came to high school, I find that I need to do some homework with a group, as it is the teacher's requirement. For me, I get used to do homework alone and feel uncomfortable with other people, but I have to follow the rule. On the p... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我发现了什么 What I Have Found


      There is an strange old man who lives near my house. He doesn’t talk much and likes to hang around in the living zone. One day, I saw he searching for something and I was very curious to ask him. He said he was looking for the key. The nex... [ 阅读全文 ]

