
    • 我的家乡三年级作文


      (名)自己的家庭世代居住的地方叫家乡。下面是高中作文网为你带来的我的家乡三年级 作文 ,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:我的家乡 “小城故事多,充满喜和乐,欢迎你到小城来呀!收获特别多……”每当听到这首歌《小城故事》我就会想起我的家乡五莲。 我们五莲虽是一个... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我爱我的家乡三年级单元作文


      我爱我的家乡,这里不仅风景优美,而且土地肥沃,我相信,不久的将来我的家乡会建设的更美好。下面是高中作文网为你带来的我爱我的家乡三年级单元 作文 ,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:我爱我的家乡 春天,小草从地里慢慢地把小脑袋探了出来,柳树长出了嫩嫩的小叶子,... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我的家乡 My Hometown


      Hometown is the place where a person belongs. Chinese people have special feelings about their hometown. No matter where they go, they won’t abandon it and always make some time to visit. My hometown brings me so many happy memories and I... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 小木船 The Little Wooden Boat


      Before I go to middle school, I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents, and I had a good time there. My hometown was a small village. The scenery was very beautiful. There were green trees and clean water around. A small river was nea... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 放风筝 Flying Kites


      When the autumn comes, the weather will become cool and people can feel the wind. In my hometown, there will be a famous contest, which is to fly kites. People come to the field and bring their kites. What a lively scene. The children are v... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 写信 Writing A Letter


      I have a very good friend, and we knew each other when I was in my hometown. Now as I move to another city, we don’t see each other often, but we keep in touch with each other by writing letters. Though computer provides people a very conv... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我的家乡作文300字15篇


      一:我的家乡 我的家在湖北省的一个小地方仙桃。这里山轻水秀,到处鸟语花香。许多小鸟在天空中自由自在的飞翔,宽阔的马路上跑着各式各样的车子来来往往,这里,还有一个美丽好玩的市镇府广... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我爱家乡 I Love My Hometown


      Two years ago, I moved to the city with my parents and had to stay away from my hometown. I like my hometown so much. There are so many kind people in the village. We know each other and communicate a lot. The scenery in my hometown is suc... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我的家乡(作文5篇)


      我的家乡(作文5篇) 乐绮韫 我的家乡在青州管前,那里风光秀丽,景色迷人,一排排房子整整齐齐,白墙红瓦,像别墅一样。我家的门口有两棵柿子树,夏天,大树挡住了阳光,我坐在家里一点也不热。秋天,红红的柿子挂在树上,像一个个红灯笼,柿子熟了,许多人... [ 阅读全文 ]
