
    • 下渚湖游记


      下渚湖游记 今天有三十辆车在好又多门口集合,我们一起去下渚湖。下渚湖在德清,它是一个湿地公园。 到了下渚湖以后,我们坐船去游湖。在坐船时,我们望望窗外,看见有很多白鹭和灰鹭,我还看见了一座白鹭岛,我和爸妈拍了许多照片。 在湖上感觉唯一不好的一... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 以《旅游》为话题的英语作文


      旅游的好处The Advantages of Traveling Nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. By traveling, we not only can relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles. From my aspect, I think we can make many friends and t... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 广州一日游


      广州一日游 在五一假期里,我和爸爸妈妈一起去了广州。 一路畅通,我们不一会儿就到了广州,我们去了长隆欢乐乐园。 一进乐园,我们立刻去玩过山车。看着勇士们接二连三地上车后,那欢乐的叫声,弥漫了整个乐园。 看着看着,我心里跃跃欲试,于是,我拉着爸... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 游周礼文化主题公园


      游周礼文化主题公园 星期六下午,在亢老师和陈老师的带领下,我们神笔作文班全体同学,去周礼文化主题公园游览,我兴奋极了。 来到公园的大门口,你第一眼就会看到天下第一灯。它是那样的气势雄伟,它也是只有我们陕西才有的建筑物独特的建筑物。它十分高大... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 关于旅游的英语作文


      关于旅行 About Travel There is a saying that You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way. With the improvement of living standards, more and more people have time and money to travel. During traveling, one... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 游黄山


      去年暑假,我有幸随旅遊团去黄山游览。如今回想起来,黄山那奇、高、险仍历历在目。 黄山可真奇啊!那一块块怪头或卧或立,有的像展翅的雄鹰,有的像奔腾的骏马 最奇特的是那一棵棵松树了,它们扎根石缝,迎风傲雪 ,它们有的直插云霄,有的傲然挺立,有的如... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 自助旅游 Self-help Traveling


      Today, as our economy develops fast, people live a much better life than before, they start to pay attention the chase fun. When people have holiday, they will choose to travel, most people will give money to the organization, while some pe... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 一次难忘的旅游 A Trip I Will Never Forget


      Last year, I went to Guang Zhou in the summer vacation. I felt so excited, it took me about four hours to get there. In the daytime, the air was so stuffy and the sun was so hot, so my friends and I decided to take a rest in the hotel. When... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 2014年有关于国庆节旅游感受的作文600字 3篇


      大大小小的喷水池中高低起伏的水柱伴着优美的音乐在翩翩起舞我不禁凑上前去将手伸进清澈的水池。中任凭那喷洒出的水花溅在我的身上。广场上由近到远矗立着三个巨大的钢制雕塑样子象帆船的造型,寓意塘沽将乘风破浪继续前进。再往里走便到了海河边河面上不时有... [ 阅读全文 ]
