
    • 看电影日记200字


      看电影 大年初一那一天,爸爸说要带我和妈妈一起去天龙湖看6D电影,我一听兴奋得跳起来了。然后我们坐着车出发了,到了那里我们看到电影院里看电影的人非常多,爸爸买了票带着我和妈妈进去 了。我们看的是《空军一号》 ,坐在那可以摇晃的椅子上,带着特殊的... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 理想的朋友 An Ideal Friend


      I like to make friends a lot, because I like to share opinions with them. But I find it is hard to find an ideal friend. Most people just like to hang out with you. If you want to share profound information, they will stay quiet. I am so ea... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 文明观看电影 Self-controlled When Watch Movie


      New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 文明观看电影 Self-controlled When Watch Movie


      New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for... [ 阅读全文 ]

