
    • 世界哮喘日 World Asthma Day


      World Asthma Day is on the first Saturday of May, it is a day to call for the public and the patients to pay attention to asthma and master more information of this sickness, so as to make better precaution. Nowadays, the problem of polluti... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 寒假作文:我发现了健康的重要


      寒假作文:我发现了健康的重要 (贺鑫宇) 一提到健康,大家都不会陌生。身体是革命的本钱,只有拥有了良好的状态,才能去有效地完成任务。 大家都清楚健康的重要性,明白良好的身体对人有多么重要的作用,但是在平时不爱惜身体的现象仍常常发生,无数学生肿... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 我运动我快乐我健康


      我运动我快乐我健康 寒假里,我学会了打乒乓球,打羽毛球我觉得打乒乓球是我整个寒假做得最自豪也是最有意义的一见事了。 首先妈妈告诉我要先学托球,于是我开始学习托球,我先从开始只能拖5个,慢慢地到了7个8个10个,那时我已经快高兴的跳起来,于是我越战... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 快乐学习 健康成长作文


      小学二年级作文:快乐学习 健康成长 还记得刚来到实验三小时,校长、老师站在校门迎接着每一位同学,亲切地拉起我们的小手,带我们走进教室。 还记得第一堂课,老师告诉我们要做一个热爱学习、尊敬师长,讲究卫生、懂文明、讲礼貌的孩子。 一日之计在于晨,... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • How to keep healthy /fit? 如何保持健康?


      How to keep healthy /fit? 如何保持健康? 卫生健康饮食:健康一直是人们关注的问题我校要举行以关爱健康为题的主题班会,请根据下表内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇80字左右的演讲槁。 (1)保持健康的重要性;(2)保持健康的方法;(3)保持健康的结论;(4)你... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 健康成长 Healthy growth


      We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulti... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • How to keep healthy 怎样保持健康


      How to keep healthy 怎样保持健康 As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy? First,we should get up early. we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us e... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • Keep Healthy 保持健康


      Keep Healthy 保持健康 Health has become a very important part of our life,and there are many ways to keep heathy. First,you can eat more fruit and vegetables,and youd better drink more warn water.Next,you have to do lots of exercise.And hav... [ 阅读全文 ]

    • 高考满分作文:the ways to keep healthy? 提高健康的方法


      高考满分作文:the ways to keep healthy? 提高健康的方法 I think I am quite healthy, the methods I employed includs the following several: 1st, mood tranquil: Did not worry the loss wealth and the prestige, the family, the friend and individua... [ 阅读全文 ]
